Butterfly Telugu Movie Review: Anupama Parameswaran, who made her Telugu film debut with “A Aa,” quickly rose to the status of teen idol. But she encountered a few setbacks as a result of some poor writing choices. She and Nikhil recently worked together on the successful film “Karthikeya 2,” and then reunited for the critically acclaimed film “18 Pages,” which is still playing in theatres. Anupama Parameswaran has now produced a new film titled “Butterfly,” which is now streaming on the Hotstar platform. To find out if Anupama is effective in entertaining the audience with direct digital release “Butterfly,” let’s dive into the thorough review of the film.
Geetha is an independent woman who behaves well. She cares deeply about both her sister and her kids. After the few days that her sister was away from home, she was in charge of caring for her sister’s kids. Geetha starts looking into the matter after her sister’s kids are strangely abducted. She explores deeper and learns frightening details about her neighbours. An operation called “Butterfly” begins in the interim. The remaining plot is around figuring out how these kidnappings and operation “Butterfly” are connected.
Cast & Crew
Anupama Parameswaran plays the lead in the film Butterfly, with Bhumika Chawla, Rao Ramesh, Praveen, and Nihal Kodhaty all playing significant roles. Produced under the Gen’nexT Movies production label by Ravi Prakash Bodapati, Prasad Tiruvalluri, and Pradeep Nallimelli, this film was written and directed by Ghanta Satish Babu. Arviz & Gideon Katta composed the music for this film, and Sameer Reddy was in charge of the photography. Written by Dakshin Srinivass are the dialogues.
Movie Name | Butterfly |
Director | Ghanta Satish Babu |
Music Director | Arviz & Gideon Katta |
Producer | Ravi Prakash Bodapati, Prasad Tiruvalluri, Pradeep Nallimelli |
Genre | Mystery, Thriller |
Cast | Anupama Parameswaran, Bhumika Chawla, Rao Ramesh, Praveen, Nihal Kodhaty |
Cinematography | Sameer Reddy |
Movie Verdict
Gen’nexT Movies is the production company behind the critically acclaimed horror thriller “Mantra,” which starred Charmi Kaur in the lead role and afterwards served as an inspiration for a number of other films in the genre. When a film comes out from one of these production companies, we anticipate both an intriguing storyline and a unique approach to filmmaking.
The plot in “Butterfly” has no tremendous thrills and only one very straightforward topic that is handled in a rather ordinary way. Although the movie’s running duration is ideal for its genre, the narration and the way it was put together could not hold the audience’s attention. The audience will undoubtedly anticipate some surprising twists and turns in a thriller film, which may distract them from the film’s problems. However, “Butterfly” fails to maintain the audience’s interest throughout its entirety and lacks any clever turns. The film’s dismal conclusion makes it tedious to watch.
Anupama Parameswaran is realistic in the character of Geetha when it comes to acting, however she had trouble acting in a few emotionally charged situations. She deserves praise, though, for trying to carry the entire movie on the strength of her performance. In this film, Nihal Kodhaty, who began his career as a child artist, played a significant part and gave a strong performance. Although Bhumika Chawla’s role was small, she nonetheless put forth a strong performance. Rao Ramesh has played characters like this before, so he has no trouble playing this one. Every other actor played their roles as necessary by the script effectively.
The technical aspects of Butterfly look good. Arviz & Gideon Katta’s background music complements the scenes and adds some intrigue. The cinematography produced by Sameer Reddy falls short of his expectations. He has previously worked as a cinematographer on some major motion pictures, demonstrating his talent, but the images in this movie more closely resemble short films. Crisp editing and enough production values are used to tell the story.
This is Ghanta Satish Babu’s first movie as a full-time filmmaker after previously working as an associate director for a few movies. The entire movie makes evident how inexperienced he was at making the scenes more compelling. He could have given stronger attention to crafting memorable situations that would have engaged the viewers.
Overall, Butterfly is a suspense film that only occasionally delivers exciting moments. You may watch this movie right now on Hotstar if you enjoy watching thrillers and have a Hotstar subscription.
Plus Points:
- Anupama Parameswaran
- Background Music
Minus Points:
- No Thrills
Rating: 2.5/5
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